• 25.04.2009

That’s it! With three weeks to go before the 62nd Cannes Film Festival gets underway, the list of feature films in most selections has finally been announced. And those who, ironically, advised the Wallimage team last year not to communicate too much about the quadruple selection of the 2008 vintage, on the pretext that such a success would only happen once… are in for a treat. That’s right: no backlash in sight for the Walloon regional fund, which has once again lined up four titles.
Unexpected? Not even. One of the big favourites was not even selected, which would have brought the number of shortlisted candidates to five. But as Jaco Van Dormael himself so nicely puts it, his film Mr Nobody will swim to its audience “without fins or snorkels”!
So, in this lovely month of April, we’ve pinned them to the wall: Looking for Eric de Ken Loach, in official selection; Marina de Van ‘s Ne te Retourne pas and Stéphane Aubier and Vincent Patar‘s Panique au Village, both in the Official Selection but out of competition at midnight. And Altiplano by Peter Brosens and Jessica Hope Woodworth at Critics’ Week.
Four films that could not be more different in terms of their context, their ambitions and the reasons that prompted Wallimage to support them. It’s what we might call the triumph of diversity.