3rd Wallimage/Bruxellimage Session : Montana, Gino, Largo and Luxo

  • 23.02.2010

In 2009, the two million euros provided by the Walloon and Brussels-Capital Regions were invested in two sessions over six months. This year, the mixed line takes its cruising speed with 4 sessions in 12 months. For practical reasons, they alternate with the sessions of the “historical” line of Wallimage (see calendar HERE ).

This did not prevent the fund’s administrators from selecting 4 projects already! Thus, subject to the signing of agreements, Wallimage/Bruxellimage will be a partner in the 2nd episode of Largo Winch co-produced by Climax (Belgium) and PanEuropéenne (France), a tandem already at work on Jaco Van Dormael‘s Mr Nobody.

Another duo was pinned in this session: After Le Petit Nicolas, Scope Pictures (Belgium) finds Fidélité (France) for Chez Gino, a comedy by Samuel Benchétrit that will bring José Garcia and Olivier Gourmet face to face. A nice reunion for these two actors who had already confronted each other in Costa GavrasLe Couperet .

In another register, the board of directors has chosen an atmospheric and nocturnal film in which Brussels is a real character, Montana, the second film by Stéphane Strekker (after Michael Blanco). This second feature film is co-produced on both sides of the language border by MG Productions(Michael Goldberg) and Mind Meets(Tomas Leyers).

The cherry on this first very greedy cake of 2010 will be Hot, hot, Hot, the first full-length film by the very promising Luxembourgish Beryl Koltz, which allows Patrick Quinet(Artémis Belgique) to give a support in the form of a return of elevator to his faithful accomplices of Samsa Luxembourg.