Green Film Wallonia : our green line

  • 12.11.2020

By integrating in 2019 a department dedicated to the hosting of film shoots, Wallimage has considered the environmental issues of the audiovisual industry. We quickly concluded that it was urgent to develop a coherent and proactive general policy on eco-turning. We can no longer pretend not to know that there is danger in the house : to continue creating films, we must reinvent ourselves. The more global the actions, the more constructive and hopeful they will be.

As a member of the European association of regional funds Cineregio, Wallimage has joined the Greenregio sub-working group whose mission is to standardize the “VERTIFICATION” process of the sector at the European level. We want to develop a common approach and simplify the procedures with the European authorities for future legislation. At the last Berlinale, all the members of the working group ratified the Green Manifesto, which was published in the Green report 2020.

With several of our European counterparts, and at the initiative of the Trentino Film Commission, we have decided to follow a common model for supporting sustainable productions. You can download the user’s guide of this model HERE. We are indeed all convinced that this collaboration will facilitate co-productions by avoiding the harassing multiplication of administrative steps.

Our common goal is to make our cultural sector an industry that respects the environmental constraints of our time. On the one hand, it is a question of becoming aware of our duty as cultural actors to take a stand, to value our involvement in climate issues and to spread this strong message. On the other hand, we want to find constructive and easy to organize solutions together. That is the purpose of this guide and this process.

In addition to this document, which we ask producers to consult carefully before applying for co-financing of new projects from 2021, Wallimage is working on the implementation of a Green Manager training, an essential relay person for the proper functioning of the system. These guides will be specialized in the eco-responsibility of the shootings and will support the production in the application of eco-responsible processes. We also plan to work with service providers to ensure that they are able to offer you the most appropriate solutions.

Wallimage will not only accompany you in a theoretical way in this process. Any additional costs arising from these adjustments will be eligible for 200 (i.e., financed on average by 50 % by the fund). In addition, all the eco-responsible modalities will be translated into points in our analysis grids, aiming to favour the selection of environmentally friendly projects (all other things being equal).

Because if Wallimage is there to structure an audiovisual industry in Wallonia, it also wants to achieve this without compromising the future of all.